(ePUB) Red Nile by Robert Twigger · 9781250052339

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    Alyssa Jacobs

    Red Nile
    A Biography of the World’s Greatest River

    by Robert Twigger

    Red Nile – READ MORE

    • ISBN: 9781250052339 (1250052335)
    • Places: River Nile
    • Format: hardcover, 480 pages
    • Release date: October 7, 2014
    • Language: english
    • Publisher: Thomas Dunne Books
    • Genres: history, africa, travel, geography, biography, egypt, microhistory, amazon
    • Author: Robert Twigger

    About The Book

    From religion, to language, to the stories rooted in our faith and history books, the Nile River has proven to be a constant fixture in mankind’s tales. In this dazzling, idiosyncratic journey from ancient times to the Arab Spring, Red Nile navigates a meandering course through the history of the world’s greatest river, exploring this unique breeding ground for creativity, power clashes, and constant change.

    Seasoned historical writer Robert Twigger connects the comprehensive history of the Nile with his personal experience of living in Egypt while researching the Nile’s historical origins. Twigger covers the entirety of the river, charting the length of the Nile from its disputed origins through Africa on a whirlwind tour of the rulers, explorers, conquerors, generals, and novelists who painted the Nile “red.” Both comprehensive and intimate, this narrative guides readers through history by way of the mighty river known across the world.

    The result of this meticulously researched book is an all-inclusive history of this epic river and the incredible connections throughout history. The stories of excess, love, passion, splendor, and violence are what make the Nile so engaging, even after centuries of change.

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