(MOBI) Sarah’s Quilt (Sarah Agnes Prine, #2) by Nancy E. Turner ~ 9780312332631

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    Karen Casey

    Sarah’s Quilt
    (Sarah Agnes Prine, #2)
    by Nancy E. Turner

    Sarah’s Quilt · CLICK HERE

    • Format: paperback, 402 pages
    • Language: english
    • Author: Nancy E. Turner
    • Characters: Sarah Elliot
    • Places: Arizona
    • Release date: August 22, 2006
    • Series: Sarah Agnes Prine, #2
    • Awards: WILLA Literary Award Nominee for Historical Fiction (Finalist) (2006)
    • ISBN: 9780312332631 (0312332637)
    • Genres: fiction, historical, westerns, adult, romance, novels, family
    • Publisher: St. Martin’s Griffin

    About The Book

    Sarah’s Quilt, the long-awaited sequel to These Is My Words, continues the dramatic story of Sarah Agnes Prine. Beloved by readers and book clubs from coast to coast, These Is My Words told the spellbinding story of an extraordinary pioneer woman and her struggle to make a home in the Arizona Territories. Now Sarah returns.

    In 1906, the badlands of Southern Arizona Territory is a desolate place where a three-year drought has changed the landscape for all time. When Sarah’s well goes dry and months pass with barely a trace of rain, Sarah feels herself losing her hold upon the land. Desperate, Sarah’s mother hires a water witch, a peculiar desert wanderer named Lazrus who claims to know where to find water. As he schemes and stalls, he develops an attraction to Sarah that turns into a frightening infatuation.

    And just when it seems that life couldn’t get worse, Sarah learns that her brother and his family have been trapped in the Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906. She and her father-in-law cannot even imagine the devastation that awaits them as they embark on a rescue mission to the stricken city.

    Sarah is a pioneer of the truest spirit, courageous but gentle as she fights to save her family’s home. But she never stops longing for the passion she once knew. Though her wealthy neighbor has asked her to wed, Sarah doesn’t entirely trust him. And then Udell Hanna and his son come riding down the dusty road… .

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