(ePUB) Albert Einstein : 9780766021853

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    Amy Young

    Albert Einstein
    The Giant of 20th Century Science

    by Judy L. Hasday

    Albert Einstein — CLICK HERE

    • Release date: December 31, 2004
    • Format: hardcover, 128 pages
    • Author: Judy L. Hasday
    • Publisher: Enslow Publishers
    • Language: english
    • ISBN: 9780766021853 (0766021858)

    About The Book

    Albert Einstein, who arguably contributed more than any other scientist since Sir Isaac Newton to our modern vision of physical reality, is clearly one of the most gifted intellects the world has ever known. In a relatively brief period of time, Einstein forever changed the way people thought about space, time, and gravitation. Today, his very name is synonymous with the term “genius.” In addition to his many contributions to the development of physics, Einstein is also famous for his dedication to many political causes. He was a staunch pacifist who often spoke out against the evils of war. He also later urged other nations of the world to unite against the oppression of Jews in Germany. And upon the outbreak of World War II, he wrote a letter to President Roosevelt warning him of the possible dangers of atomic energy in building weapons of destruction. For all his contributions to science and the world, Albert Einstein is considered one of the most important figures of the 20th century.

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