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    Japanese magazine ridiculed for

    A Japanese magazine that advised women to compliment men on their intelligence by saying “You sound like Socrates” Has been ridiculed in the area ranked one of the world’s worst for gender parity.

    “JJ, A major fashion magazine targeted at women, Encouraged readers to compare men to the classical Greek thinker when they say something complicated.

    A picture of the page sparked mirth when it was shared on Twitter with many folks noting that Socrates did not live happily ever after, As he was sentenced to death by sipping poison.

    Users of both genders poured scorn on the technique to attract men, With one indicating: “If a [url=][/url] woman told me I appear to be Socrates, avoid wonder if she’s sane,

    The tips were based on a comic strip by a female manga artist, The paper said, Playing on a popular trope where women enhance men and feign stupidity.

    using 2018, Japan ranked 110th out of 149 countries anywhere Economic Forum’s gender gap report, Up from 114th the previous year.

    The country remains low in the ranking despite pm Shinzo Abe pledging to promote women’s empowerment his so called “Womenomics” practice.

    Socrates is also credited employing famous remark: “you should, marry. If you get a full wife, you will be happy. if you get a bad one, you will a philosopher.

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